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fiction life of ai shinozaki - chapter 21 remastered. [Hong_mei_ling]

Artist: hong mei ling

41 pages
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Comments (91)
  1. Eric you
    Eric you 16 April 2021 02:45 Reply
    I hope to see more scenes added in chapter 22 which is the school festival arc and then move on to some more new material like a chapter 23 a chapter 24 a chapter 25 a chapter 26 a chapter 27 a chapter 28 a chapter 29 and a chapter thirty 31 32 33 and 34 which is where Ai is a adult and has two naked daughters.  
  2. Eric you
    Eric you 17 April 2021 02:17 Reply
    I hope we get to see how Ai Shinozaki gets pregnant and what the names of her two daughters will be it looks like one of her kids or both if they are twins are born when Ai is still a teenager and we see how she handles being pregnant she could also get married later in a different chapter and what she looks like as a adult. I hope her new husband is someone rich and handsome if she gets married and being her new boyfriend at first at high school or at college or university as well yeah Ai graduates high school and we might see her as a college or university student as well we see Ai is not just beautiful and sexy but she turns out to be very good with academics and in athletic prowess she might get to be a honor student and a valedictorian status she could be a teaching assistant or a teacher or a medical school student or dental school student and later a doctor of medicine or a dentist  a coach physical education teacher I also see her doing a job involving kids or young people she is great with kids/ children or some other full time good paying job after graduating from college medical school dental school or nursing school or a university the college could be called blue sky island college or blue sky island university or blue sky medical school or blue sky dental school or blue sky school of nursing yeah I could imagine doctor or nurse Ai Shinozaki could work if we see her as a adult.    
  3. Eric you
    Eric you 18 April 2021 03:16 Reply
    I wonder if we see more of Ai Shinozaki doing some exhibitionist antics even as a adult later on with some more new material there should be a part time job thing where she might work at a television or movie studio somewhere on the island and a chapter where a beach or pool moment happens or some kind of water based activity maybe even a hot springs based chapter or public bathhouse chapter. 

    I also think that Ai should have more part time work related antics and antics involving school and other places on blue sky island and maybe beyond I also hope for a bit more summer vacation like things and a Halloween type arc where she wears some kind of sexy costume and a Christmas arc or chapter  or new years arc or chapter plus some flashbacks involving her as a child and going forward in time where Ai is a adult.  
  4. Eric you
    Eric you 22 April 2021 01:58 Reply
    I also hope we also see some antics involving Ai as a adult and what her two daughters will be named and what kind of hentai moments her two daughters will be involved with along with her younger sister named Ai Ka Shinozaki. 

    I also want to see Ai wear her red panties from chapter four but we see her also wear her plastic food wrapping once again as well or the loincloth we saw from chapter two. 
  5. Eric you
    Eric you 23 April 2021 04:15 Reply
    I also wonder if the evil god that possesses her leaves her body and goes away to find a new host or is put into a new containment unit this another jar or a basket with a new seal of powerful magic on it so he never escapes again later Ai gets kidnapped by a mad scientist and taken to a lab to be experimented on the mad scientist experiments give her enhanced strength speed reflexes senses and toughness she is also given a enhanced intellect as well. 
  6. Eric you
    Eric you 30 April 2021 01:34 Reply
    I hope to see more of Ai Shinozaki and some other characters as well along with a few new ones like new students and other teachers and faculty at Ai's school and other people who live in her island along with more of her family like her dad older brother mother and her younger sister soon. 

    I would also like to see how chapter 22 would continue with Ai meeting some kids and playing with them for a little while and her getting pregnant somehow or a pregnancy scare. 
  7. Eric you
    Eric you 1 May 2021 20:01 Reply
    I hope we see more of Ai Shinozaki's life and continue the series with a extension of chapter 22 then chapter 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 and thirty 31 32 33 and 34 like the new author promised us. 
    1. Dica him
      Dica him 15 June 2021 21:17 Reply
      Where I can find the chapter 22?
  8. Eric you
    Eric you 2 May 2021 03:29 Reply
    I think Ai would also make a great superhero after receiving powers from a falling star she gets abilities similar to  a combination of aqua man aqua girl aqua lad dolphin dc comics siren dc comics ocean master trident  dc comics lagoon boy  batman bat wing bat woman batgirl huntress flame bird night wing red hood squire robin hood ballistic dc comics phantasm dc comics mister freeze dc comics Harley Quinn Roxy rocket the joker dc comics the penguin dc comics cat woman dc comics night star dc comics tarantula dc comics torque dc comics lady victim dc comics captain marvel dc comics kid eternity dc comics the flash dc comics big sir captain cold kid flash magenta dc comics mirror master thinker dc comics god speed dc comics green arrow black canary brick brother blood china white cupid dc comics  speedy red arrow count vertigo hawk man hawk woman hawk girl Jonah hex superman power girl super girl super woman super boy Brainiac doomsday dc comics swamp thing white tiger black panther marvel comics storm marvel comics blade marvel comics captain America marvel comics winter soldier red skull us agent viper Madame hydra daredevil marvel comics echo marvel comics bullseye jester kingpin stick typhoid Mary dead pool bedlam cable colossus domino juggernaut shatter star negative sonic teenage warhead vanish ER weasel marvel comics doctor strange Nick fury ghost rider hulk caretaker phantom rider iron fist iron man iron monger mandarin war machine whiplash marvel comics Luke cage rom the space knight Shang chi midnight sun marvel comics razor fist shockwave silver surfer spider man jack o lantern green goblin scarlet spider vulture marvel comics spider woman Thor wolverine x 23 jubilee lady death stroke omega red saber tooth silver samurai wendigo wild child doctor doom venom marvel comics quiver sin dc comics cheetah dark angel dc comics mask dc comics medusa dc comics nemesis dc comics silver swan doctor poison wonder woman wonder girl black widow captain marvel marvel comics red Sonja Peggy carter scarlet witch and anarchy along with abilities from other superheroes and supervillains mixed in as well.     
  9. Eric you
    Eric you 7 May 2021 19:45 Reply
    I hope we see more of Ai Shinozaki soon with her playing with some kids and some other exhibitionist antics later on I wonder if she going to be involved in a beauty contest at the beach or pool I would like to see her in a swimsuit or something like that once again. 
  10. Eric you
    Eric you 8 May 2021 03:20 Reply
    I would also like to see if Ai Shinozaki gets a new boyfriend in a different chapter this one is a new transfer or foreign exchange student who is a prince from a far off country named Aladdin  or the son of a wealthy business executive named Michael yang who has nine decillion or 8.237*10^31 dollars  or nine centillion yen or 8.237 *10^301  united states dollars.     

    another large amount of money Michael yang has is nine nonillion yen which is 8.237*10^28 united states dollars  or nine octillion yen which is 8.237*10^25 united states dollars  or nine septillion yen which is 8.237*10^22 united states dollars  or nine sextillion yen which is 8.237*10^19 united states dollars or nine quintillion yen or 82.37 quadrillion united states dollars  or nine quadrillion yen or 82.37 trillion united states dollars  or nine trillion yen or 82.37 billion united states dollars  or nine billion yen or 82.37 million united states dollars. 

    we also see that Michael has 900000000 yen or 8.237 million united states dollars or 90000000 yen or 823700 united states dollars or nine million yen or 82370 united states dollars or 900000 yen or 8237.02 united states dollars or 90000 yen or 823.70 united states dollars or nine thousand yen or 82.37 united states dollars or nine hundred yen or 8.24 united states dollars. 

    I would like for Ai Shinozaki and the new male character Michael yang or Aladdin the prince from a far away country to be boyfriend and girlfriend we see Ai buys new stuff with her money and even moves to a different house together with her family or Michael yang or Aladdin would become Ai's husband in the future when she is a adult. 
  11. Another one
    Another one 8 May 2021 14:08 Reply
    Who r u dude
  12. Eric you
    Eric you 8 May 2021 17:05 Reply
    we also see that Ai receives nine googol yen from her new boyfriend which is 8.237*10^98 united states dollars she uses this money to get her family out of debt and buy new stuff for each of her family members and her friends at school. 
  13. Another guy
    Another guy 10 May 2021 09:32 Reply
    Nice imagination
  14. Eric you
    Eric you 15 May 2021 21:59 Reply
    I am still waiting to see more of Ai Shinozaki sooner or later this month or next month if the new author has some time to make more content or by July. ​​​​
  15. Eric you
    Eric you 24 May 2021 00:12 Reply
    I am still waiting to see more Ai Shinozaki have not seen her since April 14 soon looks like a good time to see what happens to her next chapter or continue the school festival arc for a while. 
  16. Eric you
    Eric you 26 May 2021 03:54 Reply
    I wonder what is going to happen in chapter 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 and thirty along with 31 32 33 34 how much would things be different with the new author who is the brother of the previous author hope to see more of the life of Ai Shinozaki soon. 

    I also hope Ai Shinozaki's life has more chapters featuring her and some other characters with chapters 35 36 37 38 39 and forty 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 and fifty 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 and sixty then chapter 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 and seventy followed by chapter 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 and eighty finishing the series with chapter 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 and ninety then maybe chapter 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 and finally chapter one hundred. 
  17. Eric you
    Eric you 1 June 2021 23:53 Reply
    I am still waiting to see more of Ai Shinozaki's life and more exhibitionistic antics from her I wonder if the school festival arc will continue for a little bit more or some new chapter or arc where she might fake getting pregnant or getting pregnant for real and give birth to her first child. 

    I hope we get more of Ai Shinozaki this month or next month or sometime this week I want a pool or beach or swimsuit chapter like in chapter four and chapter sixteen but different or the main character does something involving a television studio mentioned before or a movie studio or set where she has a part time job at this kind of place. 

    I wonder what could happen if Ai receives 9999 billion yen from a new character who is quite rich and famous who is tall dark skinned long or short haired handsome guy or 91.19 billion dollars in united states of north American  money.  
  18. Eric you
    Eric you 7 June 2021 00:18 Reply
    I wonder if Ai Shinozaki's story will continue later on this month or next month or sometime this year I will be waiting until then. 
  19. Eric you
    Eric you 13 June 2021 21:50 Reply
    I am still waiting to see what happens to Ai Shinozaki and what kind of story arcs and chapters will be available sometime soon I would only guess or hope for more naked nude antics from this character and other characters later on. 
    1. Dica nim
      Dica nim 15 June 2021 21:15 Reply
      Please can you tell me if there another comic like this?
  20. Eric you
    Eric you 22 June 2021 00:51 Reply

    I am still waiting for more of Ai Shinozaki's stories to come out soon I wonder if we see a beach or pool episode like in the past and continue the school festival arc for a little bit more with how Ai handles kids who visit her school restaurant that featured costumed waiters and waitresses. 

  21. Eric you
    Eric you 29 June 2021 02:05 Reply

    I am still waiting to see more of Ai Shinozaki's life and what will happen next in maybe a continuation of the school festival arc or a different arc or chapter with something new and different. 

  22. Eric you
    Eric you 1 July 2021 01:11 Reply

    I wonder what the new author of this series is doing I hope he or she is ok I am waiting to see what will happen to Ai Shinozaki and what she will be like when she becomes a adult in some other arc or chapter I hope to see a beach or pool or lake or river or hot springs chapter or arc or something involving her in a swimsuit like in chapter four and chapter sixteen. 

  23. Eric you
    Eric you 6 July 2021 03:09 Reply

    I am still waiting to see what will happen next with Ai Shinozaki and what will she be like when she graduates from high school and maybe going to college university or even medical nursing or dental school that could be interesting to see as well I also think something like a school play or drama would be fun to see along with a school dance like celebration plus a Halloween themed arc or chapter a Christmas themed arc or chapter a Easter based chapter and something involving more part time work somewhere like a television or movie studio along with Ai going on her first date with a new boyfriend or if she turns into a lesbian a girlfriend of some sort. 

  24. Eric you
    Eric you 13 July 2021 23:17 Reply

    I would wonder when the next chapter or continuation of the life of Ai Shinozaki would be like I hope we see more of her and some other characters later on. 

  25. Eric you
    Eric you 16 July 2021 04:20 Reply

    now that thank you miss Ria has done its final chapter could we once again see the return of Ai Shinozaki where is the author of this series I believe this one has a new author since the old one died I want to see more of Ai Shinozaki's life and some new characters plus new chapters and story arcs each more perverted than the last. 

  26. Eric you
    Eric you 23 July 2021 04:24 Reply

    I am still waiting to see what happens to Ai Shinozaki in a upcoming chapter if one is available where is the new author of this series and when does the fiction life of Ai Shinozaki have a new chapter or continue with more pages on chapter 22. 

  27. Eric you
    Eric you 25 July 2021 02:06 Reply

    I wonder what will happen next to Ai Shinozaki hopefully this series continues soon since the miss Ria stories are complete I wonder what will happen if Ai Shinozaki gets one centillion yen or one vigintillion yen or one novemdecillion yen or one octodecillion yen or one sexdecillion yen or one quindecillion yen or one quattuordecillion yen or one tredecillion yen or one duodecillion yen or one undecillion yen or one decillion yen or one nonillion yen or one octillion yen or one septillion yen or one sextillion yen or one quintillion yen or one quadrillion yen or one trillion yen or one billion yen or one googol yen or one googolplex yen or 9.044 million united states dollars or one million yen or 100 million yen or 904388.63 united states dollars or ten million yen or 90438.86 united states dollars or one million or 9043.89 united states dollars or 100000 yen or 904.39 united states dollars or ten thousand yen  or 90.44 united states dollars or one thousand yen or 9.04 united states dollars this money might come from a new character who is a boss in a part time job or a new rich boyfriend character or new rich student in her class.      

  28. Eric you
    Eric you 26 July 2021 04:16 Reply

    I wonder what Ai Shinozaki will looks like as a adult and I wonder what her kids will look like and what her younger sister will also look like and what kind of things will she be doing. 

  29. Eric you
    Eric you 27 July 2021 05:08 Reply

    I wonder when we will see Ai Shinozaki again I hope we see her do something involving some exhibitionist antics once again in school or one of her part time jobs could it be the television studio we are promised before the original author or writer died and a new author came to take his position along with her spending more time with her family.  


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