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fiction life of ai shinozaki - chapter 21 remastered. [Hong_mei_ling]

Artist: hong mei ling

41 pages
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Comments (91)
  1. Eric you
    Eric you 20 October 2019 23:31 Reply
    now let us wait for chapter 22 which is when the evil god curse is exorcised or removed hopefully the main female character gets new clothes. 
  2. Eric you
    Eric you 22 October 2019 23:25 Reply
    i hope we see some new characters for some chapters we also should have the main female character return to school i want more exhibitionism from the main female character along with seeing more of her mom, dad, her older brother and her little sister and what the names of her mom, dad her older brother and younger sister are. maybe the main female character falls in love wit either a boy or a girl or both revealing herself to be sort of bisexual. 
  3. Eric you
    Eric you 24 October 2019 03:37 Reply
    i wonder what other kind of part time work the main female character will take hopefully we see a boyfriend for the main female character this new boyfriend is a new character he might be very rich and handsome along with being famous for something yet to be revealed he is also a genius yet is a bit of a pervert. 
  4. Eric you
    Eric you 30 October 2019 02:51 Reply
    i wonder what kind of part time jobs the main female character  might take even after her curse is removed and what she will do at school after the cultural festival chapter when she goes back to school hopefully a real beach based chapter  occurs the island might have a nice public beach somewhere i want to see at least a hundred or ninety or eighty or seventy or sixty or fifty or forty or thirty chapters each one showing more of the daily life of the main female character and other characters soon to be revealed.   
  5. Eric you
    Eric you 12 November 2019 00:26 Reply
    i hope by the end of this month or next month we get our 22nd chapter and then next year going on to chapter thirty maybe even forty along with fifty then chapter sixty followed by chapter seventy along chapter eighty then chapter ninety finishing the series with chapter hundred showing the main female character now older in age. 
  6. Eric you
    Eric you 14 November 2019 23:02 Reply
    i hope we see more of the main female character getting into various lewd acts during the cultural festival and beyond maybe the main female character gets a new boyfriend and goes on some dates with her new boyfriend who comes from a wealthy background. he is kind enough to give her a check for a quadrillion yen her family uses this money to solve their debts and the main female character can buy new stuff instead of her stuff being handed down from her parents friends relatives and some of her neighbors.        

    well actually she is given a check of a trillion yen which is still and lot of money to pay off her families debt and much more extra. another possible sum of money is a billion yen.  

    now that the main female character receives a billion yen they pay off their debts and do some renovations to their house and the main female character can buy new clothes and accessories she prefers transparent plastic food wrapping and some weird undies like in chapter four but in different colors this time along with sticky waterproof tape to make sure her plastic wrapping stays on her body.   

    we have the main female character doing more lewd acts in public in the coming chapters and playing off different fetishes and sexual perversions in public.  
  7. Eric you
    Eric you 15 November 2019 00:38 Reply
    i hope we get more chapters of the main female character maybe she gets a hundred million or ten million yen from a new boyfriend who comes from a wealthy background or a new boss for her newest part time work. 

    the main female character could actually receive a million yen which is still a lot of money to pay off her families debts and for the main female character to buy new clothes for herself. 
  8. Eric you
    Eric you 19 November 2019 06:26 Reply
    i wonder when chapter 22 is coming i hope sometime this month i want to see the main female character finally get rid of her curse and move on to other humiliation and exhibitionism plus other fetishes expect for gory stuff and scat related stuff.  

    i wonder what will happen if the main female character gets a rich boyfriend who gives her a check for nine quadrillion yen or nine trillion yen or nine billion or 900000000 yen or 90000000 yen or nine million yen or 900000 yen or 90000 yen or nine thousand yen.                            
  9. Eric you
    Eric you 22 November 2019 06:45 Reply
    come on hopefully maybe later today or tomorrow or next week or in December we get our 22nd chapter hopefully next year we see other chapters going all the way to thirty to forty then fifty sixty seventy eighty and maybe even ninety finishing off with a hundred sometime in the future one of them has the main female character getting a new rich boyfriend who gives her 9.9 quadrillion yen or 9.9 trillion or 9.9 billion yen or 9.9 million yen to pay off her families debt she uses the extra money to buy new clothes and stuff.    

    i think the main female character would go shopping once she gets 9.9 hundred million or 9.9 ten million or 9.9 hundred thousand or 9.9 ten thousand yen from her new rich mystery boyfriend who helps her along with his own maids and butlers she picks out revealing outfits and revealing undergarments since she admits to being a mega pervert who enjoys exhibitionism and humiliation and other fetishes but hates being mistaken for a streetwalker or prostitute.  
  10. Eric you
    Eric you 27 November 2019 20:43 Reply
    another large sum of money in yen is 9.9 thousand or 9.9 hundred or 9.9 ten or 9.9 yen is what the main female character receives from her new boyfriend or part time job boss. 
  11. Eric you
    Eric you 28 November 2019 07:19 Reply
    if the main female character gets a new rich part time job boss or a rich boyfriend who gives her a check for 9.9 quadrillion or 9.9 trillion or 9.9 billion yen or 9.9 hundred million or 9.9 ten million yen or 9.9 million yen or 9.9 hundred thousand yen or 9.9 ten thousand yen or 9.9 hundred yen or 9.9 ten yen or 9.9 yen she uses her money to buy new stuff and get out of her families debt. her other sum of money is a quadrillion   yen or a trillion yen or a billion yen or hundred million or ten million or million or hundred thousand or ten thousand or hundred or ten yen or one yen. 
  12. Eric you
    Eric you 29 November 2019 01:01 Reply
    i wonder if today is the day when chapter 22 is released or maybe tomorrow or by Saturday or Sunday or sometime in December.    
  13. Eric you
    Eric you 1 December 2019 00:42 Reply
    hopefully later today or next month we get our 22nd chapter of this series moving to other arcs and chapters for next year with maybe all the way to chapter thirty to forty maybe even fifty then sixty seventy and eighty then ninety and finishing the series off with a bang in chapter hundred or something. 
  14. Eric you
    Eric you 4 December 2019 23:36 Reply
    i wonder when chapter 22 is released hopefully it will be time to have the evil god and then get on some different new arcs or story lines to make this series more going back to its original format.  
  15. Eric you
    Eric you 5 December 2019 19:34 Reply
    i hope something gets released today maybe at noon or at sunset or sometime this week. 
  16. Eric you
    Eric you 6 December 2019 04:12 Reply
    i still waiting for chapter 22 to be released sometime today or tomorrow this week or next week or this month and next month or something have chapter 23 released as well then lots of waiting until chapter thirty through forty maybe then more time passes til chapter fifty to sixty then maybe seventy to eighty to ninety finishing this series completion at chapter hundred.  
  17. Eric you
    Eric you 9 December 2019 22:36 Reply
    i am stilling waiting for the next chapter which is the 22nd chapter of this series maybe next year we will get more chapters like chapter 23, 24, 25, 26 27 28 29 30 to maybe forty fifty and sixty and seventy eighty ninety and hundred being the very last chapter showcasing the future of the main female character. i hope a new beach or pool chapter takes place in the future this time maybe a beauty contest. 
  18. Eric you
    Eric you 11 December 2019 00:14 Reply
    i wonder if we are going to get chapter 22 sometime soon very long wait this time it will be the time when the evil god leaves the main characters body and also flashbacks to the cultural festival maybe even sneak a look into chapter 23 as well. 
  19. Eric you
    Eric you 12 December 2019 01:54 Reply
    let us see if tomorrow or later today will be the release of the 22nd chapter or even Saturday or Sunday or on Friday but still thinking of this month maybe the time to release the 22nd chapter of this series.   
  20. Eric you
    Eric you 16 December 2019 23:32 Reply
    i am still waiting for the 22nd chapter of this series to be released later hopefully more new chapters come next year as well with at least chapter thirty and forty and other years to be chapter fifty to sixty maybe even seventy to eighty then moving on to chapter ninety to chapter hundred.   

    well we have fifteen days left of this year hopefully we get our 22nd chapter of this series soon this week or next week. where is the author of this series or the writer maybe this chapter has a ton of content in it. 
  21. Eric you
    Eric you 18 December 2019 01:49 Reply
    let us wait for a couple more days when chapter 22 gets released hopefully sometime today or tomorrow or Thursday or Friday or Saturday or Sunday or next week on Christmas or a little before or after  or new years day or sometime after that or before new years day. come on where is the author i hope he or she is alright.   
  22. Eric you
    Eric you 19 December 2019 03:55 Reply
    i am still waiting for tomorrow or Friday or later today or Saturday or Sunday for the release of the 22nd chapter or maybe next week or sometime before or after Christmas and new year celebrations are finished.    
  23. Eric you
    Eric you 23 December 2019 02:20 Reply
    i am still waiting for chapter 22 hopefully it gets released sometime this week or next week or sometime after new year starts next year should have chapter thirty and maybe even forty at least finished waiting for more naked antics of the main female character.   
  24. Eric you
    Eric you 24 December 2019 04:32 Reply
    come on where is chapter 22 i hope the evil god gets out of the main characters body and seeing the cultural festival her next part time job should be at a television studio like the author promised i also want to see her family and her resting at home i want to see at least chapter thirty to  forty being released next year.   
  25. Eric you
    Eric you 26 December 2019 21:22 Reply
    i am still waiting for the 22nd chapter to be released i hope the long wait is worth it maybe tomorrow or Friday or Saturday or even Sunday or next week come on where is the author of this series i hope he or she is alright and not very sick or dead.     

    still waiting for later today or tomorrow or Saturday or Sunday or sometime next week for chapter 22 to be released i hope the author of the series is alright i think next year should be chapter 23, 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 to maybe forty depending on timing and how busy to author of this series is and another year chapter 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 all the way to fifty maybe.   
  26. Eric you
    Eric you 27 December 2019 19:49 Reply
    i am still waiting for chapter 22 to be released i hope it is good. 
  27. Eric you
    Eric you 31 December 2019 23:59 Reply
    i hope we see the 22nd chapter of this series sometime soon if the author is available hopefully later today or tomorrow or sometime next year please i am begging you.  

    hmm i wonder when chapter 22 is going to be released i hope the long wait is worth it maybe later today or tomorrow or the day or week after new years celebrations are done.  
  28. Eric you
    Eric you 5 January 2020 20:37 Reply
    i am stilling waiting for chapter 22 i hope the long wait is worth it hopefully chapter 23 to maybe chapter thirty is worth the wait other years and months and weeks or hours or seconds or decades  we could have until whatever the last chapter of this series as a whole is released.  
  29. Eric you
    Eric you 12 January 2020 04:32 Reply
    i am still waiting for chapter 22 to be released this is a very long wait. 
  30. Eric you
    Eric you 14 January 2020 22:51 Reply
    i think this week or next week should be the release of the 22nd chapter of this series then we can move on with other chapters and arcs or story lines. 

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