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Deku the toilet slut

Artist: toby
Scat warning

I wish i'd found this during NNN

Enjoy :)

If you're still hard after that go see a doctor cuz youre fukin sick

Deku the toilet slut

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Comments (165)
  1. Geometry Dash Loser
    Geometry Dash Loser 10 December 2020 06:39 Reply
  2. G.E.R.
    G.E.R. 10 December 2020 06:40 Reply
    When I finally see a dickgirl on male comic in a while it turns out to be this. I'm so upset that I actually came out of hiding to comment this. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. 
  3. Triple D
    Triple D 10 December 2020 06:41 Reply
    My instincts told me something was Wrong the moment I looked at the cover.
    I hate it when im right.
  4. What am i looking at
    What am i looking at 10 December 2020 07:07 Reply
    This is why God talk to us anymore
    1. God 2.0
      God 2.0 10 December 2020 08:26 Reply
      I do talk to you 
  5. Pumpedupdicks
    Pumpedupdicks 10 December 2020 07:29 Reply
    This could have been so much better. But noooo! The artist had to be a faggot and use scat. 
    1. neet
      neet 19 September 2021 11:10 Reply

      nah faggots dont like this , only chads do. so go fuck yourself faggot retard

  6. Guest Infamous
    Guest Infamous 10 December 2020 07:30 Reply
    This made me wanna fucking puke.
  7. ede720
    ede720 10 December 2020 07:36 Reply
    I will vaporize you.
  8. Machio
    Machio 10 December 2020 07:40 Reply
    I knew you guys would like it 

    1. satan
      satan 3 May 2021 12:32 Reply
      im satan and even i wqnt this gone those people who liked this will see me soon but on the elevator down to the below hell this came from
  9. lolinugget
    lolinugget 10 December 2020 07:45 Reply
    this has killed my love for porn and hentai
    1. google
      google 19 September 2021 11:13 Reply

      name checks out you are a retard. always good to see retard crying on humane hentai. 

  10. Caustic
    Caustic 10 December 2020 08:07 Reply
    Tossing my gas grenade and a thermite to cleanse the horrors
  11. Valentino
    Valentino 10 December 2020 08:28 Reply
    Im sorry, but what the fuck is this?
  12. Bigleostar
    Bigleostar 10 December 2020 08:46 Reply
    Absolutely fucking disgusting yo satan I hope you fucking turture the duck out of the creator

    1. satan
      satan 3 May 2021 12:33 Reply
      i will nyet nyet nyet i will
  13. Yuumi
    Yuumi 10 December 2020 10:55 Reply
    Yuumi want to die after reading this!
  14. Painwheel
    Painwheel 10 December 2020 11:00 Reply
    Can we have the power to erase comics?
  15. Sid
    Sid 10 December 2020 11:04 Reply
    Why would anyone waste their talent making this piece of shit🤢
    1. gamesnight
      gamesnight 19 September 2021 11:16 Reply

      wow what a entitled retard. people can use their talent to do whatever tf they like. retards like you finding it disturbing is simply insignificant. 

  16. SCP Janitor
    SCP Janitor 10 December 2020 12:09 Reply
    I'll need a lot of cleanex
  17. 🤮
    🤮 10 December 2020 13:36 Reply
    This is hospital level shit comic
  18. Heck no
    Heck no 10 December 2020 13:59 Reply
    Yeah....imma just gonna throw up now..
  19. The Unknown Society
    The Unknown Society 10 December 2020 14:11 Reply
    Nope, this is wrong. Whoever made this is demented and is a horrid fucking person, shit is not hot nor kinky, and if you find it that way get yourself treated for it.

  20. Ocal123
    Ocal123 10 December 2020 15:02 Reply
    yoo wtf is this lmao
  21. Jayrutoislitt
    Jayrutoislitt 10 December 2020 16:53 Reply
    The 3% who liked this are fucking NASTY
  22. M o z z i 3
    M o z z i 3 10 December 2020 18:06 Reply
    The amount of comments on this bro...there are two pages. Anyway, you know the deal, first impressions, YOU SAID TOILET WHAT. First few pages of the comic aren't lookin' too hot, then I read the scat warning. I don't think I'm even halfway through and I want to hang myself. The end pages make me want to vomit, but I'm so desensitized that I can't. Verdict: -10/10. Such a shame so much artist potential was wasted on some scat. Alternatively: I'm trying my best to remain calm while typing this. Goodbye.
  23. R
    R 10 December 2020 18:20 Reply
    I think I'm going to puke!
  24. Guest Haha
    Guest Haha 10 December 2020 19:45 Reply
  25. Guest Anon
    Guest Anon 10 December 2020 20:09 Reply
    Some men just wanna watch the world burn
  26. Vox
    Vox 10 December 2020 20:27 Reply
    For once i don't have smart remark to say🤢

    I think i might throw up TV static 😰
  27. The Random Guy
    The Random Guy 10 December 2020 20:34 Reply
    How the fuck do you report a fucking comic?
    Coz that is the literally the most fucking disgusting thing I've ever seen, someone obliviate me
    1. coco
      coco 19 September 2021 11:19 Reply

      clearly you have fucked up standards if you are saying this as most disturbing,  when there is much worse out there. not to mention about deranged lolicon shit.

  28. Hejwhus
    Hejwhus 10 December 2020 22:18 Reply
    Absolutely disgusting futa a on male deku hell no and all the shit is so unessacary it's just a big hell no like I'd rather be in hell than read this disgusting shit again
  29. Space marine
    Space marine 11 December 2020 00:34 Reply

  30. Burner
    Burner 11 December 2020 00:49 Reply
    Wow, Came back to this shit, Fuck this comic

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