Tantalizing Two Gil

Tantalizing Two Gil

Games / Manga
  1. Jay from Ninjago
    Jay from Ninjago
    3 March 2020 23:42
    Everyone needs to take a pilgrimage to the first comic. We need to remember what the site was once like, how it let us release all our frustrations in a moment of pure bliss. Sensei Wu always told me:

    "There comes a time when we all must grow up. When that time comes, it's important not to forget the lessons of our childhood. Because our childhood is the greatest training ground one will ever have."
  2. Ains Ooal Gown
    Ains Ooal Gown
    3 March 2020 23:46
     I fear this may be the end comrades. We've come so far, so I'm not giving up. Just as my name AINS OOAL GOWN shal love on, I expect the same or offerhost.ru to live on. Shrek I will be waiting with you and so will everyone from the great tomb of nazarek, and maybe others will join us in the wait. Only time can tell.
    1. Ains Ooal Gown
      Ains Ooal Gown
      3 March 2020 23:47
      Love. Live
    2. Albedo V2.0
      Albedo V2.0
      4 March 2020 01:32
      *intense laughing* who are you imposter even if you imitate Ainz Ooal Gown Sama you Are nothing but a petty Skeleton Even The Name Ainz is misspelled and it became Ains???????? Who are you to use the name of The Supreme Beings we will hunt you down to till the end imposter!!!!!!! Prepare yourself imposter I will hunt you down for imitating Ainz Sama *Bloodlust Lingers around the room*
      1. Ains Ooal Gown
        Ains Ooal Gown
        4 March 2020 07:15
        I'm sorry it's hard to type with bones. And I don't member you having a 2.0 in your name Albedo.
        1. Albedo V2.0
          Albedo V2.0
          4 March 2020 14:31
          Is that really you Ainz Sama?????? *Shaking in fear* I thought you remember it you deleted my first account on this site and warned me if I ever return in this site you'll scold me but you didn't so you forgot about it???
          1. Ains Ooal Gown
            Ains Ooal Gown
            4 March 2020 23:29
            You seem to be mistaken Albedo. I said the name was a misshap, whereas it is your punishment. From now on you call me Lord Ains
        2. TheShrekening
          4 March 2020 16:09
          Ooooooh SNAP! That's a good come back

    3. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 05:34
      Then let us wait....
  3. deadsoacewikf
    3 March 2020 23:49
    I swear we don't get any porn soon imma have to go to hentai heaven

    1. Jay from Ninjago
      Jay from Ninjago
      4 March 2020 04:15
      Don't lose hope!
  4. HolyCrusader
    4 March 2020 00:11
    Well i wasn't long on this site and my account is way younger than my first appear but still i had great time here. It looks like its goodbye, but who knows? Miracles happen. Lets not lost faith, still its a bit unlikely that it will happen. I am just gonna pray that this isn't the end..

    Mortem tuam annuntiamus, domine, 
    et tuam resurrectionem confitemur, 
    donec venias.
  5. TheSilentOne
    4 March 2020 00:32
    I’ve been around since the early days of xcartx and now I finally made this account just to say goodbye, and to pray that this isn’t the end
  6. Guest Person
    Guest Person
    4 March 2020 00:33
    So I searched but admin on this website and I brought me to the general rules I’m pretty sure we broke one of these rules but I’m not reading the whole thing
    ​General rules on the websiteGeneral rules of conduct on the website:

    To begin with, hundreds of people of different religions and beliefs are communicate on the website, and all of them are full-fledged visitors of our website, so if we want a community of people to function, then we need rules. We strongly recommend that you read these rules. It will take just five minutes, but it will save your and our time and will help make the website more interesting and organized.

    Firstly, you should behave respectfully to all visitors on our website. Do not insult to the participants, it is always unwanted. If you have a complaint - contact administrators or moderators (use personal messages). We considered insulting of other visitors one of the most serious violations and it is severely punished by the administration. Racism, religious and political speech are strictly forbidden. Thank you for your understanding and desire to make our website more polite and friendly.

    The following is strictly prohibited: 

    - messages not related to the content of the article or to the context of the discussion
    - insults and threats to other visitors
    - expressions that contain profanity, degrading, inciting ethnic strife are prohibited in comments
    - spam and advertising of any goods and services, other resources, media or events not related to the context of discussion of the article

    Let us respect each other and the site where you and other readers come to talk and express their thoughts. The Administration reserves the right to remove comments, or comment parts, if they do not meet these requirements.

    If you violate the rules you may be given a warning. In some cases, you may be banned without warning. Contact the Administrator regarding ban removal.

    Insulting of administrators and moderators is also punished by a ban - Respect other people's labor.
    1. Guest Person
      Guest Person
      4 March 2020 00:34
      Well I ended up reading this and we broke a lot of these rules
      1. Guest Person
        Guest Person
        4 March 2020 00:39
        The following is strictly prohibited: 

        - messages not related to the content of the article or to the context of the discussion
        All the claiming is the reason this site is over mainly because it breaks this rule and it’s fucking annoying every one that has ever claimed should be disappointed in them selfs for ending this site and who ever staredthe claiming needs to be sacrificed to the Admin
    2. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 02:07
      Wait.... no profanity on a porn site? How in heck’s name is that ever gonna happen? But yeah those rules have pretty much been broken from the start..... still the community we have here is amazing! Sure we poke fun at each other from time to time, but it’s all in good spirit! We are a group of all walks of life workin together! Makin jokes and passin time. Apart from that.... we broke 80% of those rules in this comment page alone.... 

      Anyway I think their just on break or goin through something. Maybe an update is coming.
  7. Guest Person
    Guest Person
    4 March 2020 00:47
    Maybe if  you guys stoped with all the fucking annoying unimportant comments this would have never happened. The Admin has been nice enough to put up with is for years. And I’m kind happy that he’s gone be pass he didn’t have to deal with us any more
    1. Guest Person
      Guest Person
      4 March 2020 00:48
    2. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 02:10
      Now hold your donkeys... infractions like that are account based not server based... leave Gio alone. They wouldn’t shut down an entire server because of a trending meme. If one person used a racial slur on this site, they wouldn’t close the whole thing down. The consequence would be soley account based.... there is no need to turn on each other
      We should be uniting, if they do see error in our ways(which I’m sure they dont) fighting will only make them sure of their decisions. So let’s all calm down and enjoy an onion
      1. Guest Person
        Guest Person
        4 March 2020 02:16
        But Shrek the thing is every one is Being annoying and claiming every last thing I’m pretty sure we can all can agree on that. It’s not just one person at this point it’s every one and the Admin can’t Ban every one so we cant hold it against him if he never returns
        1. TheShrekening
          4 March 2020 02:27
          That's a good point, but long before claiming was ever a thing there were many unrelated comments, I'm sure you can find pages and pages of Rick rolls somewhere on this site. One of the other guidelines was no profanity, since day one that wasn't going to happen, half of the comic titles have swears so by following the guidelines you're be breaking them. Yes the claims escalated, but thats only a fraction of spam on this site. I'm sure everything will work itself out in the end. Who knows maybe their grieving over the loss of a family member
          1. TheShrekening
            4 March 2020 02:28
            Besides why weren't we given notice? 
            1. TheShrekening
              4 March 2020 02:29
              *that is if the site was over
  8. Cry
    4 March 2020 01:39
    What’s gonna happen, I really love this site, where should I go. No site is as good as this one???
    1. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 02:13
      It’s ok little one.... I think the same thing. Don’t worry this wouldn’t be caused by comments
      1. Guest Person
        Guest Person
        4 March 2020 02:24
        Shrek you are the only Pure part of this website
        1. TheShrekening
          4 March 2020 02:32
          Thank you
  9. Guest Person
    Guest Person
    4 March 2020 02:26
    But really does anyone know who the Admin is?
    1. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 02:34
      I have no idea... But maybe one of us could apply to be admin. Also who owns the server? 
      1. Guest Person
        Guest Person
        4 March 2020 02:38
        I don’t think you can apply to be Admin but if you Could Admin Shrek would be pretty good
        1. TheShrekening
          4 March 2020 02:45
          Well thank you again! I'll try, by I can't guarantee anything
  10. Guest Person
    Guest Person
    4 March 2020 02:29
    If some one knows how to make a website like this please do and then post the website name here so we all know
    1. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 02:43
      I support this idea 100%. I have never found a site better than this one. This site is simply amazing. I like that all the comic pages are on one single page. I like the easy to avoid viruses and adds. I like the short load time... But most of all I like all of you guys. This site wouldn't be complete with all the profiles I see every week (and guests). You guys have made me laugh on days it seemed impossible. I'd gladly give each of you a check blessing(but that kinda cheapens them so no). No matter what the future holds... I'll still be here on the greatest site out there... Our old friend xcartx. I wish for you all the best... How about we post our top three favorite comics on the comic before this one (because there's more space)
    2. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 02:48
      I like you Guest Person, you are very smart. I grant you a Shrek blessing
      1. Guest Person
        Guest Person
        4 March 2020 02:53
        Thank you my shreky friend
  11. Guest guest hitler
    Guest guest hitler
    4 March 2020 03:17
    1. it has been a ride guys and gals but this is where the bus stops. R.I.P xcartx
  12. King of Monsters
    King of Monsters
    4 March 2020 03:25
    for  a site besides discord to make me make 3 accounts thats means its a good one. (Guest Hitler reborn)
  13. Jay from Ninjago
    Jay from Ninjago
    4 March 2020 04:34
    To the community of offerhost.ru/xcartx:

    Friends, we have been through it all. The good comics. The bad comics. The beginnings of this site. The eventual name change. Through it all, we have not faltered in our appreciation for all that the Admin has done. I encourage the people of offerhost.ru to not give up hope. Things may seem dire, and the admin may seem inactive, but do not give up hope. We have broken the rules of the site, but that is not the cause of this problem. Throughout the history of this site, we have constantly broken rule after rule and it has never been punished. The admin is probably just taking a break. 

    There are plenty of comics on this site. More than a thousand that most of us haven't explored. The best part about this site was the ease of it. Comics wouldn't be interrupted by annoying pop-up ads and the comics are all on 1 page, making them easier to read. Shrek has suggested that we share our favorite comics. I agree with this. There is so much more to do than just sitting here and waiting for an update.

    I implore all of you to not give up hope. Look towards a brighter future that is filled with more comics. Should this website last 10 more years, we shall all look at this moment and say that this was our finest hour!
    1. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 05:41
      I will stand with you lightning ninja
    2. TheCalculator
      5 March 2020 08:22
      By my calculations, there is approx. 6,803 comics on this site.
  14. Dadless dude
    Dadless dude
    4 March 2020 04:36
    Anyone still here, don't lose hope.
  15. Claim Police
    Claim Police
    4 March 2020 04:44
    This will be my final comment men.
    But before I go i must tell you my secret

    I know the way
    I am da queen
    1. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 06:53
      Goodbye old friend
  16. XcartX not offerhost.ru
    XcartX not offerhost.ru
    4 March 2020 04:49
    I'm a actually crying, i was visiting this site everyday for 2 years and it ends like that? Sad day for a coomer 
    1. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 05:43
      It's going to be ok my child... Dry your tears we must remain brave... I share your sympathies
  17. Arkunus
    4 March 2020 04:55
    Well I'm going back to luscious net. At least I don't have to wait for admisnatrators permission to post porn. Porn is easily submitted there
  18. Sir kibble
    Sir kibble
    4 March 2020 05:31
    I believe one day, this site will have new uploads. and on that day, i will welcome you all back to heaven... 

    or not idk
  19. The Story Writer
    The Story Writer
    4 March 2020 05:36
    Personally, I like to believe this site was made by an old man who’s wife died. His friend recommended him to find a hobby, to get his mind out of the fog. He then decided to try web design, and made a blog that didn’t stick. After that, he made a cooking site, which didn’t take off. Then, out of pure irony, he decided to make a porn site. He got positive reviews at first, which made him continue posting his favorites. Later on, people started asking him to put stuff for them on it. So he did! His days were fun now, with so many people talking to him! Then he decided to upgrade the site and make it possible to upload by yourself : but he still wanted to have some role, so he made it so you couldn’t post without his pass. After all, why make the site automatic if he couldn’t enjoy himself! Life was great; everything was getting better and better, more people, more comments, more fun, more comics, and most importantly, less wife on his mind. But he felt weaker and weaker by the day, so he took a pause (the first long pause). He was getting worse and worse ; his son called the hospital for him, as he refused to get off his site, no matter how little he did (one-two comics a days period). After his stay at the hospital, all seemed to be well. He decided to change the name to something flashier, to represent his new health; offerhost.ru. He still made it accessible via xcartx.com, to not scare the usual customers. All was well again. Of course, MLP oversaturation was a problem, but he was going through his overly happy from health phase, so MLP was on his mind.
    1. Guest The Story Writer
      Guest The Story Writer
      4 March 2020 05:38
      Of course he stopped accepting them later on because he listened to the demands. Then he saw Giorno. Golly! A new friend! And he’s claiming things? This’ll be fun! And thus it began. More and more people claimed. He didn’t mind it, he quite liked it in fact. He went from one comment per comics to dozens! He was ecstatic. But then he realized, people were getting angry. He didn’t like that. Guests being ridiculed, claimers being ridiculed, anti-claimers being ridiculed, TheShrekening, one of his favorites, was getting rarer and rarer. But he couldn’t stop posting. That would make people sad, so he didn’t take time to take care of the problem. It hurt him; the community he tried so hard to garner to was turning sour. His life’s work. He thought the problem would settle itself alone. Jay was giving him hope; a smart man trying to give hope to people, trying to lead them. He was stressed out by the debate. He wanted to see it unfold. But the stress was too much. As he was anxiously awaiting for upload time, he drove himself sick. No eating, no drinking. He had to see it happen. After receiving the comics for the day, it happened. A snow storm. His internet crashed. He couldn’t post. He suffered, and went straight to bed. The storm lasted many days, no repairmen came. He couldn’t post. He couldn’t get out of bed. He couldn’t eat. He couldn’t. Then the internet came back. He wanted to look at the last comments before… going. What he saw warmed his heart. He couldn’t hear his son knocking at the door, worried, or his dog scratching the door. He wanted to communicate. He wanted to express his love to the wonderful community he had created. Jesus, Shrek, Giorno, Guests, Albedo… no matter their past sins, he wanted them to know he loved them all the same. He wanted so much. But he couldn’t. No matter. He was at ease, knowing he created something greater then himself. He had died like he had lived; loved by many, know by little.
      1. Guest The Story Writer
        Guest The Story Writer
        4 March 2020 05:39
        And this concludes my story. I truly hope it isn’t true, but I have to say, if this site is doomed, I will always check it from time to time. I’ve been here from the start, literally. I’ve made many accounts, all of which I’ve lost the password. This community is great, and I will see you all on Grian’s videos, I hope? (search for peter griffin) thanks for all for reading, and I hope you live great lives. Please, give me criticism on my text, it took me ten minutes to make and it probably isnt great…
        1. TheShrekening
          4 March 2020 05:47
          That was beautiful.... Mine if I save that?
          1. TheShrekening
            4 March 2020 05:48

            1. Guest The Story Writer
              Guest The Story Writer
              4 March 2020 05:57
              You can, I made this in no time; it’s free.
            2. TheShrekening
              4 March 2020 06:06
              It's pretty impressive, you've got a promising career
  20. Nanashi
    4 March 2020 05:46
    What a fucking mess this has become. We need some way to pass the time. Alright, what's better: Vanilla or Chocolate?
    1. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 06:07
      More of a vanilla ogre myself
    2. ZeroTwo
      4 March 2020 06:15
      Vanilla and Chocolate from Nekopara? If so, then I prefer Coconut cause shes legal
  21. hachmuhash
    4 March 2020 06:01
    I still remember first pages of xcartx, the time when xcartx was renamed to offerhost.ru, how Giorgio and other incels appeared here. I hope the time we faced to is just an another dark period like others. But if this is the end, it was nice to be with you guys.  sob 
  22. Quiet bystander
    Quiet bystander
    4 March 2020 06:11
    It's gonna be weird not getting uploads. Since the day I joined I went and read every comic that I could find, the good and the bad. Though we don't know if we'll get anything new, I want to thank all of the creators that have posted on here. To Fred Perry, Shadman, and the many more artist, editors, translators, and more importantly friends, thank you for this wild ride.
  23. IHaveADream
    4 March 2020 06:15
    I will enter the debate as the pro-claiming that I am
  24. Quiet bystander
    Quiet bystander
    4 March 2020 06:17
    And to the community of xcartx/xlecx, we are all truly family. It may have taken the admin to take a break but we've finally become unified again. May you all have a wonderful day/night and I hope you all will think of this site from time to time.
    1. Ains Ooal Gown
      Ains Ooal Gown
      5 March 2020 07:41
      Fear not fappers of xcartx/offerhost.ru we will wait this out, for this has happened once and it stoped. If at the end of the week there is no content then we will act. We will send emails of encouragement to the administrators. If you want to join the army contact Ains Ooal Gown or shrek. WE WILL ACHIEVE VICTORY!!!!

  25. ZeroTwo
    4 March 2020 06:18
    Do you guys know any other sites like this one that you can recommend?
    1. I know a website
      I know a website
      4 March 2020 07:36
      A very good site like xcartx is 8muses.com
    2. The M4A2E4 Sherman from WoT
      The M4A2E4 Sherman from WoT
      4 March 2020 20:12
      Go to luscious, or perhaps hdporncomics, but good luck finding a sub for xcartx
  26. Quiet bystander
    Quiet bystander
    4 March 2020 06:20
    Not yet sadly, but if I do find a site that I feel lives up to what xcartx/offerhost.ru had created, I will post the URL here ZeroTwo
  27. Love Machine
    Love Machine
    4 March 2020 06:20
    The Love Machine loves you all too much to believe things will end here so he will wait for the day when we all will be able to spread our love again
    1. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 06:51
      I look forward to it
  28. Huntersmist
    4 March 2020 06:27
    There is a website kinda like this, it’s imagefap.com but it’s no where near as good as this one was
  29. ZeroTwo
    4 March 2020 06:35
    I see. All we can do is pray. This time we need do spread our love and positive energy instead od cum. ​#PrayForofferhost.ru
  30. Broly
    4 March 2020 06:50
    1. I have been hear for years read all the comments lads if this is the end it was the best time of my life and even though I just started commenting broly loves you all especially you shaggy Shrek and Giorno
    1. TheShrekening
      4 March 2020 06:52
      I will miss you Brolly
      1. Ains Ooal Gown
        Ains Ooal Gown
        4 March 2020 07:34
        Shrek, If this goes away I will miss you. So why don't we pass the time. Even though I can't eat everyone needs to calm down and eat an onion. I will try everything in my power to keep this going, for I am the great Ainz Ooal Gown. And Albedo, if you see this please help me in this endeavor.
        1. Albedo V2.0
          Albedo V2.0
          4 March 2020 14:33
          As you Wish Ainz Sama.
          1. Ains Ooal Gown
            Ains Ooal Gown
            4 March 2020 23:31
            Albedo gather the other guardians bring them to me immediately!
            1. Albedo V2.0
              Albedo V2.0
              5 March 2020 01:08
              But Ainz Sama They don't have an account on this site should we bring them to the throne room.and discuss about this?
            2. Albedo V2.0
              Albedo V2.0
              5 March 2020 01:09
              I mean Lord Ains
            3. Ains Ooal Gown
              Ains Ooal Gown
              5 March 2020 01:33
              Hahaha this punishment is quite amusing. Feel free to change back after today. But there is no time for the throne room. If so he it let them be guests for now. Contact them and tell them to message as guests but with their own name.
        2. TheShrekening
          4 March 2020 16:07
          I am with you my friend
          1. Ains Ooal Gown
            Ains Ooal Gown
            5 March 2020 01:35
            Shrek do me a favor. Just as I'm gathering the guardians please try to gather memes. They would be very helpful
            1. TheShrekening
              5 March 2020 01:50
              Will do, we meeting up in any comic in particular?
            2. Ains Ooal Gown
              Ains Ooal Gown
              5 March 2020 01:57
              Lets do it in the latest Overlord comic
            3. Ains Ooal Gown
              Ains Ooal Gown
              5 March 2020 02:03
              And if it's not to late let's meet at 10 pm eastern standard time
            4. Albedo V2.0
              Albedo V2.0
              5 March 2020 02:16
              I'm sorry Lord Ains I Can't do your bidding currently I'm in the what is this again Ah apartment in an unknown world They thought I was a cosplayer???????? Right now I'm in the apartment of the deceased Suzuki Satoru. Well it's clean and comfy in his apartment even though his dead I think I can feel a tinge of nostalgia here can I rest here for a while????
            5. TheShrekening
              5 March 2020 03:09
              Ok I will try
            6. TheShrekening
              5 March 2020 06:09
              This one right? //offerhost.ru/prestige-av/8221-adult-nazarick.html

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