Beg Artist: son2j Tags: femdom, furry, giant, unbirth, wolf boy, wolf girl +29375 Add to Favorites 13 pages 172 077 доп поле скриншотов Comments (23) Comment Comment Send Hmm 18 September 2019 06:02 Reply Is it femdom if the guy can't do anything about the way things are happening? m 18 September 2019 08:00 Reply welp burn it down, all of it just get the fire starter i got the oil can i will dump the can over my head and surround the rest then you go i will light this place up with every god dam bastard who enjoys unbirth and vore. THIS IS WHY GOD IGNORES US! UnDe4DPh0en1x4434 18 September 2019 08:49 Reply yeah they are both pretty fucked up swerry 18 September 2019 13:42 Reply If you dont like it then go to another website. Dumbass A Good Person 30 September 2019 09:28 Reply Dear Random Asshole On The InternetIf you do not enjoy something ignore it dont leave comments on something describing how you dont like it and think that everyine who does enjoy the thing should die in a fire because if there were lest people like you in the world then itwould in fact be a whole lot more lonely as there are so many people like you.However you can become unique by not being a judgemental dunce and grow some more brain cells then the singular one you have currently.Thanks, Any Respectable Member Of SocietyP.S. Made without autocorrect so forgive any bad english an introverted fuck 17 February 2020 05:45 Reply thank you but doesnt "a good person" seem like a weird name for a porn site? Why are u searching this for then 6 May 2020 02:16 Reply Why are you searching this for then? - 18 September 2019 11:43 Reply I liked it Alien 18 September 2019 20:19 Reply Hey earthlings, you have to save me in 2 days! Those bastards are just keeping me for science and hurting me so much! I need the naruto runners and the kamikazes so that we can save all of my friends. I am waiting you all at area 51! The adress is: extraterrestrial highway Nevada USA. Now please hurry up and prepare your self so that we'll be free and teach them bitches a lesson!!! I count on all of you! Guest bruh 18 September 2019 22:19 Reply finally an actual furry comic comes up that isnt mlp and its this shit 5h1ft3rM3l35 19 September 2019 05:43 Reply I honestly enjoyed this. It's when digestion comes in that I draw a line. Y'all hating just need to leave my hero, Son2j-kun alone. Keep up the great work, Son2j-kun. m 19 September 2019 07:49 Reply You see i would but its every god damn site now that and i made a blood pact to burn with this place so i must die with it or die first and i wont let this be what i die before not unbirth or vore here i will die taking em out whos with me!? Одинокий волк 19 September 2019 09:04 Reply Я тут просто посижу в уголке, Вы меня даже не заметите, я обычный одинокий волк.Если что временную маленькую базу поставил, ты если что заходи на базу не стесьняйся, у костра поседим попоём с гитаркой, не переживайте у меня всё есть. (защита и еда, да и выпить тут найдётся) ^^Бедный волк мне его жалко, хрень комикс 4/10 just an average degenaret 19 September 2019 21:30 Reply Kinky....I like it Random retard 30 November 2019 02:02 Reply I like this comic! Guest Nigward 29 December 2019 11:16 Reply Bruh moment Hryapusek 7 January 2020 08:54 Reply волчара нахой дарова я с русского сайтика тут The-boi 16 January 2020 23:02 Reply Really really well done! Wolffe 15 February 2020 19:00 Reply The comic is good and I enjoyed it. If you have a problem with it, then leave and don't hurt someone's feelings about the hard work they put into these.Overall, THIS COMIC IS AMAZING. Pussy unbirth is fine 17 August 2020 12:26 Reply Vote and absorption on the other hand are bad and evil I agree with the gasoline on bore but not unbirth lllll lll 20 October 2020 11:18 Reply So many hateful comments Damn people are rude let people have their own fetishes no one is the same Damn people are ignorant. My fetishes is that I like vore Related: