The Gyaru and the Disgusting Otaku
Hans the Krieger: 0 pts
the guest which is no guest: 0 pts (can’t locate first comment)
TriKurrDurr: 0 pts
Damnation: 0 pts
Person of disinterest: 1 pt
Dabishop124: 0 pts
🏆CURRENT LEADER: Person of disinterest🏆
Remember, to claim your weekly point(s), under any newly posted comic, comment “busted (time of day)” To claim one of MY posted comics, comment “First. busted (time of day)” to signify that you are the first comment.
Anyone else who comment after will only revive the standard one point instead of the exclusive two for the first commenter.

Hans the Krieger: 0 pts
the guest which is no guest: 0 pts (can’t locate first comment)
TriKurrDurr: 0 pts
Damnation: 0 pts
Person of disinterest: 1 pt
Dabishop124: 0 pts
🏆CURRENT LEADER: Person of disinterest🏆
Remember, to claim your weekly point(s), under any newly posted comic, comment “busted (time of day)” To claim one of MY posted comics, comment “First. busted (time of day)” to signify that you are the first comment.
Anyone else who comment after will only revive the standard one point instead of the exclusive two for the first commenter.

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Comments (20)