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Narutoon 6 - Betting the Girlfriend

Group: tufos
Parody: naruto
Narutoon 6  - Betting the Girlfriend

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Comments (8)
  1. TwistedFate
    TwistedFate 11 July 2021 04:57 Reply


    Ok like I said it was beautiful,  magical. I had find what I was looking for ; something different. The times were simpler back then I would came for a nut , get the nut and leave. But then I saw there were a community startling  lin the comments. Yes I saw the comments and read some too but all of them were like '' BiG tiTs, I cAmE 69420 tiMes -or most importantly- mAke mOrE". This made me not look at the comments and do my job. When I saw that spark of comedy underneath the loli comic , I laughed. That day I didn't care about the porn I was there for the comments. It was a sea of fun with porn intact. But there weren't much personas,  much of them were guest or they didn't care and put "pussyslayer69". But it all started when I saw him. The one and only, the one that started all 

    PART 3 TOMARROW.  Take care

    1. Pantheon the Unbreakable Spear

      Interesting....perhaps this shall be part of my bakeries library 

  2. Jhin The Virtuoso
    Jhin The Virtuoso 11 July 2021 06:24 Reply

    Is it me?

  3. Annoyed banana
    Annoyed banana 11 July 2021 09:10 Reply

    Put the fucking NTR tag. 

  4. A Guy From The Future
    A Guy From The Future 11 July 2021 10:33 Reply

    Why so many dislikes

  5. XD
    XD 11 July 2021 19:05 Reply

    The RasenSemen!

  6. Lols
    Lols 11 July 2021 19:49 Reply

    Ah nice move from naruto lol

  7. the guest wich is no guest
    the guest wich is no guest 13 July 2021 19:09 Reply

    yo im back


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