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A Cat is Fine too

Artist: tingtongten
Parody: persona 5
The Gay Shit splash potion has the same effect as its original but more potent and it lasts longer. The Dom's stamina will be increased +5 and their dick length and width +2. If taken too much, your cock and balls will be their new size PERMANENTLY. The same goes for the subs, except they'll have a thicc ass and supple boobage now. The whole point is, if you drink a gallons worth of it, you'll be gay FOREVER !
Happy Pride Month. .

A Cat is Fine too

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Comments (7)
  1. Sugar Plum 2.0
    Sugar Plum 2.0 18 June 2021 23:43 Reply
    So if you drink this gay Minecraft potion you get a severe case of Priapism forever which may or may not be extremely painful and the trade off is that you last a few more seconds in bed and can only fuck things with male genitalia... 

    In other words FUCK YEAH!
    1. Gooshooter
      Gooshooter 19 June 2021 01:18 Reply
      That's one way to put it. .
  2. Jaxarabit
    Jaxarabit 19 June 2021 03:32 Reply
    Oh yes, dank memes
  3. Beersexual man
    Beersexual man 19 June 2021 12:39 Reply
    I'm bi so I don't have problems with yaoi but WTF
  4. FunSmaile
    FunSmaile 19 June 2021 14:03 Reply
    что это за нахуй?
  5. Zarbon
    Zarbon 19 June 2021 18:14 Reply

    Oh my😏

  6. Me
    Me 2 March 2022 10:14 Reply

    I hope you will yourself


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