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Artist: nowajoestar
Student Exchange

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Comments (29)
  1. Guest Coolt
    Guest Coolt 12 September 2020 01:27 Reply
    10 / 100
  2. Claim man
    Claim man 12 September 2020 01:48 Reply
    Claimed bitchs
    1. Goro majima
      Goro majima 12 September 2020 02:15 Reply
      Fuck your claim no more claims
    2. Yu Narukami
      Yu Narukami 12 September 2020 07:57 Reply
      Claiming isn't how you define your true self,  your nothing more than a shadow if greed
    3. Help me
      Help me 31 August 2021 11:32 Reply

      Claiming is bad, and your now a dumbass

      1. claim man
        claim man 1 September 2021 05:56 Reply

        how dare you

  3. Gooshooter
    Gooshooter 12 September 2020 03:03 Reply
    Stupid ass kids thinking they claim everything. *loads shotgun with murderous redneck intent*
  4. Machio
    Machio 12 September 2020 03:24 Reply
    Claiming is against the way of the muscles. If you do it then you a weak skinny little bitch.

    8/10 comic that dick be looking weird
  5. Person of disinterest
    Person of disinterest 12 September 2020 07:24 Reply
    Haha muda muda

    I was told to laugh by Giorno so yeah the joke isn’t that funny I get it but still I’m sorry Giorno best wishes.

  6. Angeldust
    Angeldust 12 September 2020 09:08 Reply
    One punch man
  7. ungee bungee man
    ungee bungee man 12 September 2020 12:07 Reply
    this man is not a human 
  8. Rav999
    Rav999 12 September 2020 20:21 Reply
    I hate when people claim for no reason 
  9. Person of disinterest
    Person of disinterest 12 September 2020 21:27 Reply
    We claim cause we want to that’s reason enough.
  10. Marth Fire Emblem
    Marth Fire Emblem 12 September 2020 21:42 Reply
    No it's not reason enough to claim.  First off, since the dawn of the World Wide Web, accounts on websites have existed.  They're needed to use websites to the fullest extent.  They're necessary.  A guest on a website that requires an account has no rights.  It literally takes three seconds, and you can add as many fucking hentais to your favorites list as you want.  And you also get the added bonus of looking like an absolute degenerate as well.  No one has the right to 'claim' something.  Especially if that something is an art that was created by an actual person who put actual time out of their day and put it into something.
    1. tomothelad
      tomothelad 12 September 2020 23:55 Reply
      Thank you. You put it into the best way possible
  11. That Guy™️
    That Guy™️ 23 September 2020 08:19 Reply
    This comic gets That Guy's Seal of Approval™️
  12. Rav999
    Rav999 2 November 2020 02:25 Reply
    No Nut November  Starts Goodluck to all lol.
  13. Angeldust
    Angeldust 2 April 2021 05:11 Reply
    Hey isn't this a repost 
  14. John-117
    John-117 2 April 2021 07:21 Reply
    ”I got cucked, b-but nice dick bro.” This gave me the most mixed signals than any other quote in my life 
  15. Geometry Dash Loser
    Geometry Dash Loser 2 April 2021 07:28 Reply
    Not a big fan of this. 
  16. Porn
    Porn 2 April 2021 08:25 Reply
    This has to be canon
  17. Angeldust
    Angeldust 2 April 2021 12:30 Reply
    I just realized that Dwayne Johnson was on the manga cover
  18. Kazuma
    Kazuma 2 April 2021 20:22 Reply
    Comments from September of 2020? Why are random comments appearing on the front page?
    1. Kazuma
      Kazuma 2 April 2021 20:26 Reply

      Oh more pages added I'm stupid
  19. Just some guy
    Just some guy 4 April 2021 06:30 Reply
    Yo its 100 fuck man
  20. HentaiKing
    HentaiKing 5 April 2021 03:23 Reply
    lmao is that why she always want to recruit him😂
  21. Certified titty inspector
    Certified titty inspector 18 April 2021 22:06 Reply
    Brooooooooo, does anyone know what the hell's going on with that second lady Maria comic? I swear I haven't heard hide nor hair of it
  22. Guest Deku
    Guest Deku 23 April 2021 02:30 Reply

    1. AceWithBass
      AceWithBass 21 March 2022 02:56 Reply

      get cucked bro


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